BP 57: Membranes and Vesicles I
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 09:30–12:45, H43
09:30 |
BP 57.1 |
Monolayer curvature induced nanoscale structures in lipid membranes — •Friederike Schmid
10:00 |
BP 57.2 |
Incorporation of Aescin in DMPC vesicles — •Ramsia Sreij, Carina Dargel, and Thomas Hellweg
10:15 |
BP 57.3 |
Squeezing vesicles on a supported lipid bilayer using osmolyte polymer chains: a neutron reflectivity study — •Alexandros Koutsioumpas and Didier Lairez
10:30 |
BP 57.4 |
Acto-myosin dynamics drive local membrane component organization in an in vitro active composite layer — •Darius V. Köster, Kabir Husain, Elda Iljazi, Peter Bieling, Dyche Mullins, Madan Rao, and Satyajit Mayor
10:45 |
BP 57.5 |
Structure and dynamics of phospholipid vesicles around the main phase transition — •Beate Brüning, Ramsia Sreij, Bela Farago, and Thomas Hellweg
11:00 |
30 min break
11:30 |
BP 57.6 |
Fast tracking of single molecules in live cell membranes at ultra-high resolution with interferometric scattering microscopy (iSCAT) — •Richard Taylor and Vahid Sandoghdar
11:45 |
BP 57.7 |
Passive Translocation of Hydrophobic Nanoparticles through a Phospholipid Bilayer — Yachong Guo, Emmanuel Terazzi, Ralf Seemann, •Jean-Baptiste Fleury, and Vladimir Baulin
12:00 |
BP 57.8 |
Shaping the Endoplasmic Reticulum network in vitro — •Gernot Guigas, Csilla Ferencz, and Matthias Weiss
12:15 |
BP 57.9 |
Developing of biomimetic model-membranes to investigate transport processes via X-ray and neutron reflectometry — •Irena Kiesel, Yuri Gerelli, and Giovanna Fragneto
12:30 |
BP 57.10 |
Standing-Wave X-Ray Fluorescence Enables Near-Angstrom Precision Localization of Biologically Important Chemical Elements in Molecular Layers — •Emanuel Schneck, Ernesto Scoppola, Jakub Drnec, Cristian Mocuta, Roberto Felici, Dmitri Novikov, Giovanna Fragneto, and Jean Daillant