BP 62: Biomaterials and Biopolymers II (Joint Session MM/CPP/BP)
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 11:45–13:00, H52
11:45 |
BP 62.1 |
Stimuli responsiveness of electron irradiated gelatin — •Stefanie Riedel, Emilia I. Wisotzki, Katharina Apel, Wolfgang Knolle, and Stefan G. Mayr
12:00 |
BP 62.2 |
Langzeitverhalten von Seide und ”Selbstheilung” — •Jan Rosigkeit, Igor Krasnov und Martin Müller
12:15 |
BP 62.3 |
Fractional dynamics in silk — •Igor Krasnov, Tilo Seydel, and Martin Müller
12:30 |
BP 62.4 |
Mechanical properties of branched actin filaments — •Mohammadhosein Razbin, Martin Falcke, Panayotis Benetatos, and Annette Zippelius
12:45 |
BP 62.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.