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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik

CPP 12: Poster: Colloids and Complex Fluids

CPP 12.14: Poster

Montag, 7. März 2016, 18:15–21:00, Poster B2

The behavior of individual supramolecular ferromagnetic filaments and their suspensions — •Ekaterina Novak1, Pedro A. Sánchez2, and Sofia Kantorovich1,21Ural Federal University, Lenin av. 51, Ekaterinburg, 620000, Russia — 2University of Vienna, Sensengasse 8, 1090, Wien, Austria

Self-assembly in polymer and colloid systems has acquired a special significance nowadays in the context of the development of new smart materials. Here we present the investigation of individual supramolecular ferromagnetic filaments and their suspensions. Filaments are an analogue of a macromolecular polymer, where magnetic nanoparticles are playing a role of predetermined shape monomers. Our research is focused on the setting and analysis of molecular dynamics computer simulation for linear and circle shapes ferromagnetic filaments with dipole hard spheres. We would aim at investigating end-to-end distance, radius of gyration, the self-organization of these filaments, the interaction potentials. Additionally we give a detailed comparison of the behavior of suspension of ferromagnetic filaments and ferrocolloids. These results will form the basis of theoretical models and recommendations on the synthesis of new materials.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2016 > Regensburg