Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 13: Poster: Nanoparticles, Nanocrystals and Composites
CPP 13.14: Poster
Monday, March 7, 2016, 18:15–21:00, Poster B2
Hot Brownian Motion — •Alexander Fischer and Frank Cichos — Molecular Nanophotonics, Institut für Experimentalphysik I, Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Universität Leipzig
Hot Brownian motion describes the motion of a heated microsphere in a liquid. A temperature field is created around the heated particle decaying with 1/r. The heat transferred from the particle to the surrounding fluid spreads around three orders of magnitude faster than the particle moves. Therefore a stationary temperature field is moving with the particle through the liquid. The non-equilibrium dynamics of the particle now differs from the unheated particles and an effective temperature and diffusion constant is introduced to describe the system. With the development of fast detection systems in the recent years and the possibility to restrict the motion of a microscopic object using an optical tweezer, an investigation of hot Brownian motion on short time scales has become possible. Due to the increasing impact of the particle's inertia and the surrounding fluid on short time scales, the motion of the particle is not completely random anymore. The aim of this research is to understand the fundamentals of an effective temperature definition for fluctuation dissipation relations under non-equilibrium conditions.