
Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme

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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik

CPP 45: Poster: Two Dimensional Functional Materials

CPP 45.3: Poster

Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 18:15–21:00, Poster B2

Assembly of proteins and oriented purple membrane on functionalized carbon nanomembranesNatalie Frese1, •Paul Penner1, Matthias Schürmann1, Daniel Rhinow2, Mark Schnietz1, Polina Angelova1, Andrey Turchanin3, Christian Kaltschmidt1, Robert Tampé4, Norbert Hampp5, and Armin Gölzhäuser11University of Bielefeld — 2Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt — 3Friedrich Schiller Universtity Jena — 4Goethe University, Frankfurt — 5Philipps University, Marburg

This presentation is about hybrid structures comprising carbon nanomembrane (CNM) as a functional substrate and oriented assembled purple membranes (PMs). CNMs are monomolecular cross-linked layers of aromatic amphiphilic molecules with lateral dimensions of several square centimeters and a thickness of about 1 nm. PM from Halobacterium salinarum is a membrane consisting of bacteriorhodopsin (BR), which is a light-driven proton pump, and lipids. CNM has already been successfully tested as a substrate for electron cryo-microscopy of PM. To realize the oriented assembly of PM patches on CNM, we used a PM mutant, which has histidine (HIS) tags selectively on one side of the membrane and a nitroliotriacetic acid (NTA) terminated NBPT-CNM. The functionalized CNM has also been tested with different HIS-tagged proteins.

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