
Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme

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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik

CPP 47: Poster: Interfaces and Thin Films

CPP 47.7: Poster

Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 18:15–21:00, Poster B2

Athermal Azobenzene-Based Nanoimprint Lithography — •Christoph Meichner1, Lothar Kador1, Christian Probst2, Klaus Kreger2, Christian Neuber2, and Hans-Werner Schmidt21University of Bayreuth, Institute of Physics and Bayreuth Institute of Macromolecular Research (BIMF), 95440 Bayreuth, Germany — 2University of Bayreuth, Macromolecular Chemistry I and Bayreuth Institute of Macromolecular Research (BIMF), 95440 Bayreuth, Germany

We present athermal micro- and nanoimprint lithography as a new method, using a photoresponsive azobenzene-based molecular glass as resist material. Patterning with this approach is based on athermal photofluidization, i.e., a photoinduced decrease in viscosity far below the Tg of the material, enabling mass transport at ambient conditions during light irradiation. In contrast to common imprint techniques, no crosslinking or curing steps are involved. The method is capable of patterning nanostructures without being limited to periodic structures or the dimension of the light wavelength. Our investigation includes the presentation of the basic principle and the characterization of influencing factors such as wavelength and fluence of the light and film thickness. Micrometer-sized structures of 100 nm height can be imprinted within approximately 200 s. The feasibility of imprinting very precise structure replica down to 100 nm line width is demonstrated. It is found that decreasing structure sizes lead to increased filling times.

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