Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 47: Poster: Interfaces and Thin Films
CPP 47.9: Poster
Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 18:15–21:00, Poster B2
Towards 3d single particle orbit tracking in multiblock copolymer membranes — •Daniel Zalami1, Oliver Grimm2, Felix H. Schacher2, Jürgen Köhler1, and Uwe Gerken1 — 1Experimental Physics IV and Bayreuth Institute of Macromolecular Research (BIMF), University of Bayreuth, Germany — 2Institute for Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC) and Jena Centre of Soft Matter (JCSM), Friedich-Schiller University Jena
The method of single particle orbit tracking (SPOT) permits to record the trajectories of fluorescent particles in three dimensions for long observation times (up to tens of minutes) [1,2]. This versatile technique can be applied in the field of life sciences as well as in the materials chemistry. We want to investigate the diffusion behavior of tracer particles within different block copolymer membranes with a stimuli-responsive block covering the pore surface [2]. Our aim is to adress changes in the trans-membrane and intra-membrane transport parameters as a function of the particle properties or variations of the environmental conditions.
[1] V. Levi, Q. Ruan, E. Gratton, Biophys. J., 88, 2919-2928 (2005)
[2] D. Ernst. S. Hain, J. Köhler, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 29, 1277-1287 (2012)
[3] F. Schacher, M. Ulbricht, A. H. E. Müller, Adv. Funct. Mater. 19, 1040-1045 (2009)