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DF: Fachverband Dielektrische Festkörper
DF 10: Focus Session: Ferroic Domain Walls III
DF 10.3: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 15:50–16:10, H25
Magnonic magnetoelectric coupling and domain wall formation in composite multiferroics — Alexander Sukhov1, Chenglong Jia1,2, and •Jamal Berakdar1 — 1Martin-Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, 06099 Halle — 2Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Control of magnetization by an external electric field or, vice versa, ferroelectric (FE) polarization by magnetic fields entails a clear understanding of the underlying coupling. For a multiferroic nanostructure composed of metallic ferromagnetic (FM) (e.g., Fe or Co) attached to a FE (e.g. BaTiO3), we predicted recently [1] the formation in FM of a non-collinear magnetic order in the FM/FE contact area extending to distances on the spin-diffusion length of the FM. Our predictions were recently confirmed in subsequent experiment and offer also an explanation for earlier findings [3]. Here we present further resutls and suggestions that structuring the FE offers the possibility to generate and control multiferroic domains.
[1] C.-L. Jia, T.-L. Wei, C.-J. Jiang, D.-S. Xue, A. Sukhov, and J. Berakdar, Phys. Rev. B 90, 054423 (2014).
[2]C.-L. Jia, F. Wang, C. Jiang, J. Berakdar, and D. Xue, Sci. Rep. 5, 11111 (2015).
[3] N. Jedrecy, H.J. Von Bardeleben, V. Badjeck, D. Demaille, D. Stanescu. H. Magnan, and A. Barbier, Phys. Rev. B 88, 121409(R) (2013).