
Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme

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DF: Fachverband Dielektrische Festkörper

DF 6: Focus Session: Applications of Dielectric Materials in Microwave Technology

DF 6.2: Topical Talk

Monday, March 7, 2016, 15:30–16:00, H26

Torus Diamond Window for the ITER ECRH Upper launcher — •Sabine Schreck, Gaetano Aiello, Giovanni Grossetti, Francesco Mazzocchi, Andreas Meier, Peter Spaeh, Dirk Strauss, Alessandro Vaccaro, and Theo Scherer — Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

The ITER ECRH window consists of an ultra-low loss CVD diamond disk mounted in a system of metallic parts (Cu/SS). It has to fulfil adequate transmission capability for high power mm-waves, is part of the primary vacuum boundary of the ITER vacuum vessel and has the function of tritium confinement. Being classified as Protection Important Component, high requirements for quality and safety apply to the window. The window assembly cannot be entirely covered by codes and standards and therefore an ad-hoc qualification program is required including the testing of prototypes. Both, structural integrity and the mm-wave transmission capability shall be demonstrated. At KIT, dedicated FABRY-PEROT-resonators are available, to measure the loss tangent of the diamond disk and also its distribution over the disk area. The window design has been improved based on the gained experience with former prototypes of which the second one was already optimized with regard to its mm-wave properties. Recently, the design for two new prototypes has been developed and, after manufacturing, they will be qualified by passing a dedicated test program. First results on the qualification of the bare diamond disks for the prototypes are already available and show a very low dielectric loss.

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