DS 30: Transport: Graphene
(Joint session of DS, DY, HL, MA, O and TT, organized by TT)
Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 09:30–13:15, H22
09:30 |
DS 30.1 |
Invited Talk:
Ultrafast photo-thermoelectric currents in graphene — •Alexander Holleitner
10:00 |
DS 30.2 |
Double-logarithmic velocity renormalization at the Dirac points of graphene — •Peter Kopietz, Anand Sharma, and Carsten Bauer
10:15 |
DS 30.3 |
Dirac fermion wave packets in oscillating potential barriers — Walter Pötz, Sergey E. Savel’ev, Peter Hänggi, and •Wolfgang Häusler
10:30 |
DS 30.4 |
Electric and magnetic control of electron guiding in graphene — •Ming-Hao Liu and Klaus Richter
10:45 |
DS 30.5 |
Current flow paths in deformed graphene: from quantum transport to classical trajectories in curved space — •Nikodem Szpak and Thomas Stegmann
11:00 |
DS 30.6 |
Trigonal Warping in Bilayer Graphene: Energy versus Entanglement Spectrum — •Sonja Predin, Paul Wenk, and John Schliemann
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
DS 30.7 |
Valley-based Cooper pair splitting via topologically confined channels in bilayer graphene — •Alexander Schroer, Peter G. Silvestrov, and Patrik Recher
11:45 |
DS 30.8 |
The decisive role of stacking faults for understanding transport in bilayer graphene — •Heiko B. Weber, Ferdinand Kisslinger, Christian Ott, and Sam Shallcross
12:00 |
DS 30.9 |
Linear magnetoresistance in two-dimensional disordered conductors — •Ferdinand Kisslinger, Christian Ott, Erik Kampert, and Heiko B. Weber
12:15 |
DS 30.10 |
Mechanically strained graphene nanojunctions — •Seddigheh Nikipar, Dmitry Ryndyk, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
12:30 |
DS 30.11 |
Graphene nanoribbons as effective spin ladders — •Cornelie Koop, Manuel J. Schmidt, and Stefan Wessel
12:45 |
DS 30.12 |
Edge State Structure of the ν = 0 quantum Hall State in monolayer Graphene — •Angelika Knothe and Thierry Jolicoeur
13:00 |
DS 30.13 |
Spin lifetimes exceeding 12 ns in graphene non-local spin valves at room temperature — •Christopher Franzen, Marc Drögeler, Frank Volmer, Tobias Pohlmann, Maik Wolter, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Christoph Stampfer, and Bernd Beschoten