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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 35: Poster I
HL 35.7: Poster
Dienstag, 8. März 2016, 15:00–19:00, Poster A
Conductance Correction in semiconductor nanorods with Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling — •Michael Kammermeier1, Paul Wenk1, John Schliemann1, Sebastian Heedt2, and Thomas Schäpers2 — 1Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany — 2Peter Grünberg Institute and JARA-Fundamentals of Future Information Technology, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
We compute analytically the quantum correction to the Drude conductivity for electrons in zincblende type nanorods following former approaches [1,2]. In the systems of consideration a tubular quantum well is formed below the nanorods surface which can be a result of Fermi surface pinning [3] or band mismatch in core/shell nanowires [4]. The confinement gives rise to both Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling (SOC) which we comprise in our calculations and compare for wires of standard growth directions ⟨111⟩, ⟨001⟩ and ⟨110⟩. The motion on the quasi two-dimensional surface is considered diffusive in both in-plane directions. By fitting the theory to experimental data we extract SOC strength as well as dephasing and relaxation rates.
[1] S. Kettemann, PRL 98 176808 (2007)
P. Wenk et al., PRB 83 115301 (2011)
S. Heedt et al., Nanoscale 7 18188 (2015)
A. Blömers et al., Nanotechnology 24 035203 (2013)