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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 36: Poster Ib
HL 36.4: Poster
Dienstag, 8. März 2016, 15:00–19:00, Poster A
Electrical properties of ZnO single nanowires — •Markus Stiller, José Barzola-Quiquia, Mahsa Zoraghi, and Pablo Esquinazi — Abteilung für Supraleitung und Magnetismus, Universität Leipzig, Linnestr. 5, D-04103, Germany
We have investigated the electrical resistance R(T) of a ZnO nanowire of ≈ 400nm diameter as a function of temperature, between 30K and 300K, and frequency in the range 40Hz to 30MHz. The measurements were done on the as-prepared and after low-energy proton implantation at room temperature. The temperature dependence of the resistance of the wire, before proton implantation, can be well described by two processes in parallel. One process is the fluctuation induced tunneling conductance (FITC) and the other the usual thermally activated process. The existence of a tunneling conductance was also observed in the current-voltage (I−V) results, and can be well described by the FITC model. Impedance spectroscopy measurements in the as-prepared state and at room temperature indicate and support the idea of two contributions of these two transport processes in the nanowires. Electron backscatter diffraction confirms the existence of different crystalline regions. After the implantation of H+ the electrical resistance R(T) as well as the I−V curves can be described by taking into account the contribution of the modified surface of the ZnO nanowire and a third thermally activated process is found. This can be explained by taking into account the impurity band splitting due to proton implantation.