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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 37: Ultrafast Phenomena II
HL 37.3: Vortrag
Dienstag, 8. März 2016, 15:15–15:30, H10
Controlling the optical spin Hall effect — •Przemyslaw Lewandowski1, Ombline Lafont2, Samuel Luk3, Nai Kwong3, Jerome Tignon2, Stefan Schumacher1, Emmanuel Baudin2, and Rolf Binder3 — 1Universität Paderborn, Warburger Strasse 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany — 2Ecole Normale Supérieure, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France — 3University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
As an optical counterpart of the spin Hall effect, the optical spin Hall effect (OSHE) describes a spatial spin-separation of ballistically propagating polaritons in planar semiconductor microcavities [1]. This remarkable feature is driven by a transverse-longitudinal cavity-mode splitting, which acts as an effective magnetic field and therefore gives rise to a pseudo-spin orbit coupling. Here, we present an approach to control the OSHE using only all-optical means [2]: For a sufficiently strong cw-excitation the effective magnetic field vector can be tilted out of the cavity plane to which it is otherwise confined. We show that this nonlinear effect, based on the polariton-polariton interaction, allows the modification of the spin-current, making the OSHE a promising candidate for potential spin-optotronic applications. Our experimental and numerical results confirm well our analytical predictions, based on a microscopic semiconductor theory.
[1] A. Kavokin, G. Malpuech and M. Glazov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 136601 (2005). [2] O. Lafont, M.H. Luk, P. Lewandowski, N.H. Kwong, K.P. Chan, M. Babilon, P.T. Leung, E. Galopin, A. Lemaitre, J. Tignon, S. Schumacher, E. Baudin, R. Binder (submitted).