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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 47: Quantum Hall Effect
HL 47.3: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 10:00–10:15, H14
GaSb/InAs double quantum wells for Topological Insulator application — •Maximilian Schwarz1, Georg Knebl1, Pierre Pfeffer1, Monika Emmerling1, Lukas Worschech1, Sven Höfling1,2, and Martin Kamp1 — 1Technische Physik and Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Research Center for Complex Material Systems, University of Würzburg — 2SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews KY16 9SS, United Kingdom
The topological insulator phase is theoretical predicted for InAs/GaSb double quantum wells (DQW) embedded in AlSb barrier layers. In HgTe/CdTe-QW structures the transition between the normal and the topological insulator state can only be achieved by variation of the QW-thickness. For InAs/GaSb-DQW structures it is shown that one can tune between trivial and topological phase by front and back gates. Dry and wet etching as well as optical and electron beam lithography were used and compared processing structures. Transport data for differently processed samples will be compared and reversible switching majority carriers from electrons to holes by optical doping will be shown.
Financial support by the DFG SPP166, Elitenetzwerk Bayern IDK TOIS and the State of Bavaria is gratefully acknowledged.