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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 77: Graphene III: Electronic Properties
HL 77.10: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 12:45–13:00, S053
High Q-factor in WSe2 Nano-electromechanical resonator — •Antoine Reserbat-Plantey1, Nicolas Morell1, Ioannis Tsioutsios1, Kevin Schädler1, François Dubin2, Frank Koppens1, and Adrian Bachtold1 — 1ICFO, The Insitutue for Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, ES — 2INSP, Université Paris 6, Paris, FR
Atomically thin nano-electromechanical systems (2D-NEMS) combine extremely low mass resonators having resonant frequencies in the MHz-GHz range, wide tunability, low damping and exotic non-linearities. Atomically thin 2D semi-conductors such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) have extremely rich optical properties (direct band gap, spin valley, embedded quantum emitters), which are intrinsically linked to their low dimensionality. Optical and electronic properties of WSe2, an emblematic TMD, have been intensively studied while there is no extensive nanomechanical investigation of this system. Here we show a new generation of semiconductor 2D-NEMS made of monolayer of WSe2. We record mechanical and photoluminescence spectra of WSe2 nanoresonators down to cryogenic temperatures. We measure mechanical quality factor Q>47000 at T=3.5 K, which is the highest value reported so far for 2D-NEMS in this temperature range. Combining ultra-low dissipation resonators with the very rich optical properties of TMD, paves the way for novel type of optomechanical experiments with 2D materials.