Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 14: Focus: Magnetism as seen by neutrons
MA 14.5: Invited Talk
Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 11:45–12:15, H32
Neutron spectroscopy -- Collective excitations in (un)conventional superconductors — •Jitae Park — TU München at MLZ, Lichtenbergstr. 1, 85748 Garching
Superconductivity is one of the most fascinating phenomena in condensed matter because its macroscopic behavior is apparently originated from the quantum mechanics of electrons: Formation of electron pairs that are bound together via a small attractive interaction between them, also called Cooper pairs. Over several decades, dedicated theoretical works have revealed that collective motions of either atoms or spins are the most important ingredient for the electron pairing in the superconducting state. Owing to the uniqueness of a neutron scattering method with accessibility over wide momentum and energy space, we can preciesly measure such collective excitations in superconducting materials. In this talk, I will introduce how the inelastic neutron scattering study contributes to the superconductivity research field by presenting a few recent example cases mostly done at the research reactor in Munich.