Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 19: Magnetic Materials III
MA 19.5: Talk
Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 12:30–12:45, H31
Interplay of structure and magnetism in frustrated intermetallic AFe4X2 systems — •Inga Kraft1,2, Katharina Weber1,2, Christoph Bergmann1, Nandang Mufti1, Til Goltz2, Hans-Henning Klauss2, Christoph Geibel1, and Helge Rosner1 — 1Max Planck Intitute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden — 2Technical University of Dresden
Due to their complex and versatile behavior frustrated systems present a great experimental and theoretical challenges. Even slight perturbations induce instabilities in such systems and prompt the emergence of unusual phenomena. The intermetallic AFe4X2 compounds (A=Sc,Y,Lu,Zr; X=Si,Ge) are suggested to cover the whole regime from frustrated AFM order up to an AFM quantum critical point. Our DFT calculations exhibit a strong interplay of structure and magnetism. We discuss the influence of the A and X site atoms on the strength of magnetic interactions and the size of structural distortion.