09:30 |
MA 3.1 |
MnxGa1−x Thin Films and Nanodots with High Coercivity and Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy — •Julie Karel, Francesca Casoli, Pierpaolo Lupo, Lucia Nasi, Federica Celegato, Simone Fabbrici, Lara Righi, Paola Tiberto, Franca Albertini, and Claudia Felser
09:45 |
MA 3.2 |
The influence of a temperature dependent anisotropy on the attempt frequency of single superparamagnetic nanodots — •Stefan Freercks, Alexander Neumann, Carsten Thönnißen, André Kobs, Eva-Sophie Wilhelm, and Hans Peter Oepen
10:00 |
MA 3.3 |
Efficient high frequency rectification using CIP-GMR nanowires — •Philip Trempler and Georg Schmidt
10:15 |
MA 3.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
10:30 |
15 min. break
10:45 |
MA 3.5 |
High Amplitude Ferromagnetic Resonance in Sub-Micron Disks — •Markus Haertinger, Hans G. Bauer, Martin Decker, Chen Luo, Torsten Kachel, Georg Woltersdorf, and Christian H. Back
11:00 |
MA 3.6 |
Enhanced Magneto-Optical Edge Excitation in Nanoscale Magnetic Disks — •Andreas Berger, Rodrigo Alcaraz de la Osa, Anna Suszka, Matteo Pancaldi, Jose Maria Saiz, Fernando Moreno, Hans Peter Oepen, and Paolo Vavassori
11:15 |
MA 3.7 |
Direct Imaging of Spin Wave Propagation in Antidot Lattice based Magnonic Crystals — •Joachim Gräfe, Ajay Gangwar, Ambra Caprile, Matthias Noske, Hermann Stoll, Christan H. Back, Gisela Schütz, and Eberhard J. Goering
11:30 |
MA 3.8 |
Toroidal ordering in a compensated nanomagnetic lattice — •Jannis Lehmann, Claire Donnelly, Sebastian Gliga, Peter Derlet, Dennis Meier, Laura Heyderman, and Manfred Fiebig
11:45 |
MA 3.9 |
Electrical and thermal transport properties of FeCo thin films on SiN membrane based microcalorimeter — •Sasmita Srichandan, Matthias Kronseder, Christian Back, and Christoph Strunk