
Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 41: Magnetic Coupling Phenomena

MA 41.9: Talk

Thursday, March 10, 2016, 11:45–12:00, H33

Reversible control of magnetism in La1−xSrxMnO3/ionic liquid systems — •Alan Molinari, Philipp Leufke, Christian Reitz, Subho Dasgupta, Robert Kruk, and Horst Hahn — Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Nanotechnology (INT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

Reversible control of magnetism by means of an electric field is a promising route for the realization of novel-low power consumption magnetic storage devices. In the last years intensive research studies have been performed on magnetoelectric systems, such as ferroelectric/ferromagnetic heterostructures, where the coupling at the interface was found to be responsible for reversibly controlling the magnetic response.

In our studies we have followed an alternative approach combining a thin film of La1−xSrxMnO3 (LSMO), a half-metallic complex oxide with a Curie temperature above room temperature, with an ionic liquid (DEME-TFSI) in a capacitor-like geometry. The interface coupling mechanisms, related to the formation of a Helmholtz double layer affecting the LSMO surface charge concentration and therefore the magnetic properties, have been investigated by means of in situ SQUID-cyclic voltammetry measurements as a function of temperature and applied potential.

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