Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 48: Poster Session II
MA 48.27: Poster
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 15:00–18:00, Poster B1
Ultrafast Lorentz microscopy: towards femtosecond imaging of magnetization dynamics — •Nara Rubiano da Silva1, Marcel Möller1, Jan Gregor Gatzmann1, Armin Feist1, Tim Eggebrecht2, Ulrike Martens3, Henning Ulrichs2, Vladyslav Zbarsky2, Markus Münzenberg3, Claus Ropers1, and Sascha Schäfer1 — 14th Physical Institute, University of Göttingen, Germany — 21st Physical Institute, University of Göttingen, Germany — 3Interface and Surface Physics, University of Greifswald, Germany
Lorentz microscopy (LM) enables magnetization imaging with a spatial resolution reaching 2-20 nm [1]. Based on this technique, we have developed two approaches to address rapid magnetization processes triggered by femtosecond laser excitation. In a first approach, irreversible changes of the magnetic structure after single excitation pulses are sampled via static LM. In continuous Fe thin films on a SiN substrate, we observe the laser-induced formation of a dense vortex/antivortex network that is metastable at room temperature [2]. Furthermore, we will present first results from the implementation of a laser-pump/electron-probe scheme in a transmission electron microscope. This instrument will be capable of elucidating ultrafast spin dynamics in magnetic nanostructures using highly coherent femtosecond electron pulses.
[1] J. N. Chapman et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. (1999).
[2] T. Eggebrecht et al., submitted.