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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 48: Poster Session II
MA 48.35: Poster
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 15:00–18:00, Poster B1
Electrically detected FMR in the field-polarized phase of Cu2OSeO3 — •Stefan Weichselbaumer1,2, Ioannis Stasinopoulos1, Andreas Bauer3, Helmuth Berger4, Johannes Waizner5, Markus Garst5, Christian Pfleiderer3, and Dirk Grundler1,6 — 1Physik-Department E10, TU München, Garching, Germany — 2Walther-Meißner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Garching, Germany — 3Physik-Department, FG Magnetische Materialien, TU München, Garching, Germany — 4EPFL, Institut de physique de la matiere complexe, Lausanne, Switzerland — 5Institute for Theoretical Physics, Univ. Köln, Köln, Germany — 6LMGN, IMX, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
The insulating chiral magnet Cu2OSeO3 recently gained a lot of interest as it exhibits a Skyrmion lattice and spin helix phase. The insulating nature of this material as well as the magnetoelectric coupling could lead to efficient spin-based devices. We investigate collective excitations in the field-polarized ferrimagnetic phase of Cu2OSeO3 using a broadband spectroscopy setup based on a vector network analyzer. By evaporating a thin Pt layer on our sample and measuring the voltage across the Pt stripe, we are able to electrically detect the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) signal. We observe a significant influence of heating effects due to microwave irradiation. Our analysis shows that several effects contribute to the signal, including the spin rectification effect (SR) and spin pumping (SP). Financial support by the DFG via TRR80 is acknowledged.