Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 48: Poster Session II
MA 48.43: Poster
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 15:00–18:00, Poster B1
Mg diffusion in Fe3O4 based magnetic tunnel junctions with MgO barrier — •Luca Marnitz1, Tobias Peters1, Denis Dyck1, Jari Rodewald2, Olga Kuschel2, Joachim Wollschläger2, Stephan Wallek2, Karsten Rott1, Jan-Michael Schmalhorst1, Thorsten Glaser2, Günter Reiss1, and Timo Kuschel1 — 1Bielefeld University, Germany — 2Universität Osnabrück, Germany
Due to its high spin polarization and Curie temperature, magnetite (Fe3O4) is a promising material for room temperature applications in spintronics and spincalorics. In a previous publication, a sign change in the tunneling magnetoresistance of CoFeB/MgO/Fe3O4/MgO(001) magnetic tunnel junctions was observed after annealing at temperatures above 240∘C [1]. Mg diffusion from the MgO through the Fe3O4 is a possible explanation for this behaviour [2]. Further studies, including Sputter-Auger-Spectroscopy and X-ray Reflectivity have been undertaken to investigate this effect. Additionally, low temperature SQUID and Raman Spectroscopy measurements have been performed to characterise the magnetite samples.
[1] L. Marnitz et al., AIP Adv. 5, 047103 (2015)
[2] K. A. Shaw et al., J. Appl. Phys. 81, 5176 (1997)