Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 15: Poster session I
MM 15.23: Poster
Monday, March 7, 2016, 18:00–20:00, Poster B3
Atomic structure and dynamic viscosity of liquid GeTe — •Hans Weber1,2, Mathias Schumacher3, Pál Jóvári4, Werner Skrotzki2, Riccardo Mazzarello3, and Ivan Kaban1 — 1IFW Dresden, Institute for Complex Materials, PO Box 270116, 01171 Dresden, Germany — 2Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Strukturphysik, 01062 Dresden, Germany — 3RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, 52056 Aachen, Germany — 4Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, PO Box 49, 1525 Budapest, Hungary
The atomic structure of GeTe liquid alloy is studied by X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction in the temperature range from 750 to 850 ∘C. Its dynamic viscosity is measured from 1000 to 680 ∘C, which is 55 ∘C below the solidification point, using an oscillating-cup viscometer. The structural parameters of liquid GeTe show small changes and the dynamic viscosity behaves in accordance to the Arrhenius law. The experimental structural data are modeled with the reverse Monte-Carlo simulation technique. Ge atoms are found to be mainly coordinated by Te atoms and to a less extent by Ge atoms. The formation of a small number of Te-Te bonds is also probable. The results obtained are in agreement with ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations.