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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 15: Poster session I
MM 15.24: Poster
Montag, 7. März 2016, 18:00–20:00, Poster B3
Phase Transformation in Alloyed Nanowires — •Manuel Roussel, Martin Schellenberger, Tim Lehmann, and Guido Schmitz — Institute for Materials Science, Stuttgart, Germany
Since the discovery of giant magnetoresistance, for which Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg have been awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize, thin magnetic films have attracted much interest. More particularly, multi-layered nanowires consisting of magnetic and nonmagnetic layers (FeNi/Cu, Ni/Cu, Fe/Cr, Co/Cu...) have been proven to exhibit outstanding properties which have straightforward applications: M-RAM (magnetic random access memories), nano-sensors, data storage... Most of the time, the bottle neck for the usage of such nanostructures is that their synthesis is not reliable, especially when it comes to producing very small wires, in the range of a few tens of nanometers diameter. We are exploring alternative synthesis routes in order to find a new self-ordering way of producing multilayered or core-shell nanowires which would be only based on diffusion processes and phase separation. Simply put, we would like to create a plain alloyed nanowire and provoke the formation of layers just by a well-designed heat treatment. We will first present our approach to grow alloyed metallic nanowires of various compositions. In order to do so, we adopted a process based on electro-deposition in porous membranes. Later on we will focus on the influence of the nanowire geometry on phase transformation during annealing.