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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 15: Poster session I
MM 15.34: Poster
Montag, 7. März 2016, 18:00–20:00, Poster B3
Cluster dynamics modelling for the precipitation in Al–Cu — •Tobias Stegmüller and Ferdinand Haider — Univ. Augsburg, Inst. f. Physik, 86135 Augsburg
A key role in the production of modern metal alloys is to understand the precipitation processes occuring during thermal treatments, by which many material parameters like hardness or corrosion resistance can be controlled. A lot of these processes are qualitatively well understood controlled by empirical approaches. Nevertheless there is still a lack of knowledge in the quantitave understanding of the evolution of precipitates.
One approach for the simulation of such processes is the so-called cluster dynamics. In this approach the precipitate size distribution evolves with time. For that the precipitates are divided into classes, which are characterized only by the number of solute atoms n they contain. The temporal evolution is done by solving an initial value problem for the concentration cn of precipitates belonging to class n.
Up to now the model has already several times been successfully applied to the formation of a single precipitate phase in binary alloys in literature. Our aim is to extend the model for an application to a system with multiple precipitate phases. For this purpose the Al-Cu system was chosen due to its well known precipitation sequence: the system decomposes via the formation of GP-Zones and different metastable phases. For the modelling a size distribution for each phase is needed and the distributions have to be linked to one another to gather the precursor–successor relationships between the phases.