Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 33: Topical session: In-situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-Rays and Scanning Probes in Materials Science III - Atomic structure and defects II
MM 33.4: Talk
Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 13:00–13:15, H38
In-situ investigations with high-energy X-ray diffraction of the diffusion brazing process of γ-TiAl alloys — •Katja Hauschildt, Andreas Stark, Norbert Schell, Ursula Tietze, Helmut Eckerlebe, Florian Pyczak, and Martin Müller — Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht
Diffusion brazing is a promising method to close cracks (in noncritical or not highly loaded areas) in parts made of TiAl alloy, as for example aero engine vanes. In this work the phase constituents, phase distribution, and microstructure of the joint zone of diffusion brazed Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2B-0.2C (in at. %) alloys are investigated. Two brazing alloys based on Ti-Fe and Ti-Ni are used.
The phases and their distribution in the brazing zone were determined time and space resolved by high-energy X-ray diffraction (HEXRD) using the materials science beamline HEMS at the PETRA III synchrotron radiation facility at DESY in Hamburg, Germany.
Therefore, the brazing zone was scanned in several steps over the joint while heating.
The results show, that different phases occur over time in the Ti-Ni joint. In contrast the phase constitution in the Ti-Fe joint shows only little change over time. In comparison, scanning electron microscopy was used to characterize the microstructures of the two systems after brazing.