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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 59: Topical session: In-situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-Rays and Scanning Probes in Materials Science VII - Nanomaterials
MM 59.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 17:15–17:45, H38
In Situ Methods for Studies of Mechanically, Thermally, Electron Beam and Liquid Induced Effects in Nanostructured Materials — •Eva Olsson — Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
In situ electron microscopy allows the imaging of transport of matter and charges in complex structures as well as heat spread. We can study mechanically and thermally induced changes of charge transport properties using holders designed to enable different stimuli allowing the direct observation and correlation between material structure and properties. This talk addresses examples of in situ mechanical, thermal and liquid studies. We have studied the effect of mechanical strain on the electrical resistance of nanowires. Electron energy loss spectroscopy was used to study the effect of strain on the electronic structure with emphasis on the low energy loss interval of 0 to 50 eV. Electron beam induced current measurements were also performed to study the effect of strain on the diffusion length of the charge carriers. Heating of a transmission electron microscopy specimen can be performed in several parallel modes and this talk will address three types of heating modes and show experimental results from nanostructured materials. The talk will also show a technique for in situ wetting of materials in the environmental scanning electron microscope and applied it to suspended coatings. The method uses a manipulator to bring the specimen in contact with a water reservoir in the microscope chamber and provides direct visual information about the water interaction with the material at a high spatial resolution.