
Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme

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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik

MM 62: Methods in Computational Materials Modelling IV: Method development

MM 62.1: Talk

Thursday, March 10, 2016, 15:45–16:00, H53

Functional renormalization and mean-field approach to multi-band systems with spin-orbit coupling: Application to the Rashba model with attractive interactionGiulio Schober1, •Kay-Uwe Giering1, Michael Scherer1, Carsten Honerkamp2, and Manfred Salmhofer11Heidelberg University — 2RWTH Aachen University

The functional renormalization group (RG) in combination with Fermi surface patching is a well-established method for studying Fermi liquid instabilities of correlated electron systems. In this article, we further develop this method and combine it with mean-field theory to approach multi-band systems with spin-orbit coupling, and we apply this to a tight-binding Rashba model with an attractive local interaction. The spin dependence of the interaction vertex is fully implemented in a RG flow without SU(2) symmetry, and its momentum dependence is approximated in a refined projection scheme. In particular, we discuss the necessity of including in the RG flow contributions from both bands of the model, even if they are not intersected by the Fermi level. As the leading instability of the Rashba model, we find a superconducting phase with a singlet-type interaction between electrons with opposite momenta. While the gap function has a singlet spin structure, the order parameter indicates an unconventional superconducting phase, with the ratio between singlet and triplet amplitudes being plus or minus one on the Fermi lines of the upper or lower band, respectively. We expect our general approach to be useful for an unbiased theoretical description of the low-temperature properties of spin-based materials.

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