15:00 |
O 12.1 |
Flexible 2D crystals of polycyclic aromatics stabilized by static distortion waves — Matthias Meissner, Falko Sojka, Lars Matthes, Friedhelm Bechstedt, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen, Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld, •Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
15:15 |
O 12.2 |
Structural properties of picene-perfluoropentacene and picene-pentacene blends: Superlattice formation versus limited intermixing — J. Dieterle, K. Broch, A. Hinderhofer, H. Frank, J. Novák, •A. Gerlach, T. Breuer, R. Banerjee, G. Witte, and F. Schreiber
15:30 |
O 12.3 |
Exploring the Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Disordered TCNE on Cu(111) Using a Basin Hopping Algorithm — •Veronika Obersteiner, Egbert Zojer, and Oliver T. Hofmann
15:45 |
O 12.4 |
Machine learning of surface adsorbate structure — •Milica Todorović, Michael Gutmann, Jukka Corander, and Patrick Rinke
16:00 |
O 12.5 |
Substrate-Induced Phases: Polymorphism of Organic Materials on Surfaces — •Andrew O. F. Jones, Basab Chattopadhyay, Yves H. Geerts, and Roland Resel
16:15 |
O 12.6 |
In-situ LEEM study of the growth of NTCDA on Cu(001) — •Jana Wolters, Janina Felter, Markus Franke, Caroline Henneke, and Christian Kumpf
16:30 |
O 12.7 |
Long-Range Order Induced by Intrinsic Repulsion on an Insulating Substrate — Julia L. Neff, Hagen Söngen, •Ralf Bechstein, Philipp Maass, and Angelika Kühnle
16:45 |
O 12.8 |
Interface formation of aromatic molecules on a metal/metal-oxide nano-template mediated by lateral and vertical interactions — •Alexander Timmer, Harry Mönig, Oscar Díaz Arado, Saeed Amirjalayer, Martin Uphoff, and Harald Fuchs
17:00 |
O 12.9 |
Interaction of free-base tetraphenyl porphyrin with MgO(001) surface — •Osman Bariş Malcioğlu and Michel Bockstedte
17:15 |
O 12.10 |
Temperature dependence of ethanol water nanophase separation in soft graphene mica slitpore — •Abdul Rauf, Jonas Gienger, Nikolai Severin, Igor M. Sokolov, and Jürgen P. Rabe
17:30 |
O 12.11 |
An Interfacial Bridge from a Perovskite to a Fluorite — Marita O’Sullivan, Joke Hadermann, •Matthew S Dyer, Stuart Turner, Jonathan Alaria, Troy Manning, Artem M Abakumov, John B Claridge, and Matthew J Rosseinsky
17:45 |
O 12.12 |
Hydroxylation and segregation induced morphology changes of MgO cube based nanostructures — Daniel Thomele, Andreas Sternig, Johannes Bernardi, Simon Klacar, Henrik Grönbeck, and •Oliver Diwald
18:00 |
O 12.13 |
Probing the interface between semiconducting nanocrystals and molecular metal chalcogenide surface ligands: insights from first principles. — Emilio Scalise, Stefan Wippermann, Giulia Galli, and •Dmitri Talapin
18:15 |
O 12.14 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.