15:00 |
O 15.1 |
Imaging Molecules in Atomic Force Microscopy with Carbon Monoxide Terminated Tips — •Nikolaj Moll, Leo Gross, Niko Pavliček, Bruno Schuler, and Gerhard Meyer
15:15 |
O 15.2 |
Sub-molecular imaging by NC-AFM with an oxygen atom rigidly connected to a metallic probe — Oscar Díaz Arado, •Harry Mönig, Diego Rodríguez Hermoso, Milica Todorevic, Alexander Timmer, Simon Schüer, Gernot Langewisch, Rubén Pérez, and Harald Fuchs
15:30 |
O 15.3 |
Atomic force microscopy reveals the structure of its tip and subatomic resolution on single iron adatoms — Matthias Emmrich, •Ferdinand Huber, Florian Pielmeier, Joachim Welker, Thomas Hofmann, Maximilian Schneiderbauer, Daniel Meuer, Svitlana Poleysa, Sergiy Mankovsky, Diemo Ködderitzsch, Hubert Ebert, and Franz J. Giessibl
15:45 |
O 15.4 |
Exploring chemical properties of surfaces by means of Atomic Force Microscopy — •Pavel Jelinek
16:15 |
O 15.5 |
Influence of tip sharpness on subatomic resolution capability of atomic force microscopy — •Julian Berwanger, Ferdinand Huber, and Franz Josef Giessibl
16:30 |
O 15.6 |
High-resolution AFM/STM imaging and force spectroscopy of van der Walls nanostructures on metal surface — •Martin Svec, Oleksander Stetsovych, Jan Berger, Pavel Hobza, and Pavel Jelinek
16:45 |
O 15.7 |
Intramolecular force contrast and dynamic current-distance measurements at room temperature — •Sonia Matencio, Ferdinand Huber, Alfred J. Weymouth, Carmen Ocal, Esther Barrena, and Franz J. Giessibl
17:00 |
O 15.8 |
Sub-molecular resolution imaging of molecules by AFM: Pauli versus Coulomb — Joost van der Lit, •Nadine J. van der Heijden, Francesca Di Cicco, Prokop Hapala, Pavel Jelinek, and Ingmar Swart
17:15 |
O 15.9 |
Extending carbon monoxide front atom identification (COFI) to probe the second atomic layer of an AFM tip — •Daniel Meuer, Andreas Bartholomäus Kelbel, and Franz Josef Giessibl
17:30 |
O 15.10 |
Understanding high-resolution AFM images of water clusters on NaCl substrate — •Prokop Hapala, Jing Guo, Jinbo Peng, Duanyun Cao, Limei Xu, Enge Wang, Ying Jiang, and Pavel Jelinek
17:45 |
O 15.11 |
Scanning quantum dot microscopy made faster — •Christian Wagner, Michael Maiworm, Christian Müller, Matthew F. B. Green, Philipp Leinen, Eric Bullinger, Rolf Findeisen, F. Stefan Tautz, and Ruslan Temirov
18:00 |
O 15.12 |
The energy resolution function of a tunnel junction — •Christian R. Ast, Berthold Jäck, Jacob Senkpiel, Matthias Eltschka, Markus Etzkorn, Joachim Ankerhold, and Klaus Kern
18:15 |
O 15.13 |
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy at 20 mK — •Timofey Balashov, Michael Meyer, and Wulf Wulfhekel