15:00 |
O 16.1 |
Unoccupied band structure of MgO/Ag(100) — •Rebecca Pöschel, Gianluca di Filippo, Andrej Classen, and Thomas Fauster
15:15 |
O 16.2 |
Interfaces of h-BN on Ag(111) and Ag/Cu(111) — •Martin Schwarz, Manuela Garnica, Daniele Stradi, Johannes V. Barth, and Willi Auwärter
15:30 |
O 16.3 |
A XPS/XPD study of the topological insulator BiTe — •Philipp Espeter, Sven Döring, Markus Eschbach, Matthias Gehlmann, Christoph Keutner, Christopher Kohlmann, Dominique Krull, Lukasz Plucinski, Ulf Berges, Claus M. Schneider, and Carsten Westphal
15:45 |
O 16.4 |
X-ray spectroscopic studies of the electronic structure of chromium based p-type transparent conducting oxides — •Emma Norton, Leo Farrell, Stephen Callaghan, Cormac McGuinness, Igor Shvets, and Karsten Fleischer
16:00 |
O 16.5 |
In operando strain-dependent HAXPES of VO2 thin films on piezoelectric PMN-PT — •Arndt Quer, Kerstin Hanff, Matthias Kallaene, Adrian Petraru, Lars-Philip Oloff, Hermann Kohlstedt, and Kai Rossnagel
16:15 |
O 16.6 |
Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling in the Presence of Ferroelectricity: Ultrathin Bi-films on BaTiO3 (001) — •Peter Lutz, Tim Figgemeier, Hendrik Bentmann, and Friedrich Reinert
16:30 |
O 16.7 |
Giant Circular Dichroism in Soft X-Ray Photoemission From Non-Magnetic Solids — •O. Fedchenko, K. Medjanik, S. Chernov, D. Kutnyakhov, B. Schönhense, M. Ellguth, A. Oelsner, S. Däster, Y. Acremann, J. Viefhaus, W. Wurth, T.R.F. Peixoto, P. Lutz, C.-H. Min, F. Reinert, J. Braun, J. Minár, H. Ebert, H.J. Elmers, and G. Schönhense
16:45 |
O 16.8 |
Effects of orbital composition in a pair of spin-orbit-split surface bands at Tl/Ge(111) — •Ph. Eickholt, P. Krüger, S.D. Stolwijk, A.B. Schmidt, and M. Donath
17:00 |
O 16.9 |
Many body effects on Cr(001) surfaces: An LDA+DMFT study — •Malte Schüler, Stefan Barthel, Michael Karolak, Matthias Bode, Alexander I. Poteryaev, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Tim O. Wehling
17:15 |
O 16.10 |
Electronic correlations in two-dimensional surface triangular lattices — •Florian Adler, Gang Li, Andrzej Fleszar, Felix Reis, Werner Hanke, Jörg Schäfer, and Ralph Claessen
17:30 |
O 16.11 |
Interdependence of adsorption site and charge distribution in a single donor-acceptor molecule adsorbed on an ionic crystal — •Tobias Meier, Rémy Pawlak, Shigeki Kawai, Shi-Xia Liu, Yan Geng, Prokop Hapala, Pavel Jelínek, Alexis Baratoff, Silvio Decurtins, Ernst Meyer, and Thilo Glatzel
17:45 |
O 16.12 |
Two air- and water- stable ionic liquids in the presence of TaF5 and NbF5. Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study — •Anna Dimitrova, Marit Walle, Marcel Himmerlich, Stefan Krischok, Adriana Ispas, and Andreas Bund