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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 16: Surface State Spectroscopy II
O 16.7: Vortrag
Montag, 7. März 2016, 16:30–16:45, H4
Giant Circular Dichroism in Soft X-Ray Photoemission From Non-Magnetic Solids — •O. Fedchenko1, K. Medjanik2, S. Chernov1, D. Kutnyakhov1, B. Schönhense3, M. Ellguth1, A. Oelsner4, S. Däster5, Y. Acremann5, J. Viefhaus6, W. Wurth6,7, T.R.F. Peixoto8, P. Lutz8, C.-H. Min8, F. Reinert8, J. Braun9, J. Minár9, H. Ebert9, H.J. Elmers1, and G. Schönhense1 — 1Uni-Mainz — 2Max IV Lab, Lund, Sweden — 3Imperial College London,UK — 4Surface Concept GmbH, Mainz — 5ETH Zürich, Switzerland — 6DESY, Hamburg — 7CFEL, Uni-Hamburg — 8Uni-Würzburg — 9TU-München
We report on the first measurements of circular dichroism in the angular distribution (CDAD) of photoelectrons from W(110) in the soft X-ray range. The experiment was performed at beamline P04 of PETRA III, providing circularly-polarized photons in a wide energy range from 260-2400eV [1]. The novel technique of ToF k-microscopy [2] is ideal for the study of dichroism. The CDAD asymmetry is surprisingly large and reaches almost 100% in some regions. It can thus be used as tool for circular polarimetry throughout the soft X-ray range. CDAD shows a pronounced dependence on photon energy and k-vector. It depends on matrix elements and relative phases of partial waves, has previously been shown using conventional electron spectrometers [3].
Funded by BMBF (05K13UM2, 05K13GU3)
[1] Viefhaus et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A710,151 (2013),[2] Chernov et al., Ultramicroscopy,(2015) doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2015.07.008, [3] Schönhense et al., Surf. Sci., 251 (1991).