18:15 |
O 22.1 |
Ordered films of the charge-transfer salt DTBDT-F4TCNQ on Au(111) — •Torge Mashoff and Hans-Joachim Elmers
18:15 |
O 22.2 |
Substrate-directed growth of aromatic molecules on a metal surface — •Friedrich Maaß, Arnulf Stein, Bernd Kohl, Lena Hahn, Lutz H. Gade, Michael Mastalerz, and Petra Tegeder
18:15 |
O 22.3 |
Studying the F4TCNQ/Au(111) Interface with Two-Photon Photoemission — •Sascha Feldmann, David Gerbert, and Petra Tegeder
18:15 |
O 22.4 |
A combined photoemission and LEED study of SnPc/Ag (111) — •Stephan Jauernik, Max Gurgel, Petra Hein, and Michael Bauer
18:15 |
O 22.5 |
Naphthalocyanine on metal surfaces studied with a variable temperature STM — •Malte Schulte, Ismail Baltaci, Patrick Mehring, and Carsten Westphal
18:15 |
O 22.6 |
A molecular ruler for measuring the mesoscopic relaxations in Co/Au(111) interfaces — •Zheng Wei, Jobynson Kollamana, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Mirko Cinchetti, and Martin Aeschlimann
18:15 |
O 22.7 |
Temperature Dependent Structure Formation of Phthalic Acid on Cu (111) — •Feifei Xiang, Tobias Schmitt, Anastasia Sokolova, and M. Alexander Schneider
18:15 |
O 22.8 |
In-situ Kelvin Probe Study of the Work Function Evolution of Molybdenum Oxide Upon Gas Exposure — Sebastian Hietzschold, Sebastian Beck, •Stefan Brackmann, Robert Lovrincic, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
18:15 |
O 22.9 |
Adjusting the Work Function of Solution Processed Nickel Oxide by Self-Assembled Monolayers — •Florian Friedrich, Sebastian Hietzschold, Patrick Reiser, Eric Mankel, Sabina Hillebrandt, Robert Lovrincic, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
18:15 |
O 22.10 |
Energy-Level-Engineering of Indium-Tin-Oxide (ITO) - Linking Simulation and Experiment for Small Molecule Self-Assembled-Monolayers (SAMs) — •Johannes Breuer, Julia Rittich, Sebastian Mäder, Carolin C. Jacobi, and Matthias Wuttig
18:15 |
O 22.11 |
Functionalization of Gallium nitride surfaces — •Stefan Brackmann, Sebastian Hietzschold, Robert Lovrincic, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
18:15 |
O 22.12 |
Development of a New Update Mechanism for High Charge Carrier Densities in Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations — •Markus Krammer, Chris Groves, and Karin Zojer
18:15 |
O 22.13 |
DFT calculations on the etching of crystalline ZnO surfaces upon formation of phosphonic acid self-assembled monolayers — •Tobias Klöffel, Alexandra Ostapenko, Gregor Witte, and Bernd Meyer
18:15 |
O 22.14 |
On the Adsorption Behavior of Ionic Liquid (Sub-)monolayers on Model Electrode Surfaces and their Interaction with Coadsorbed Lithium — •Florian Buchner, Katrin Forster-Tonigold, Maral Bozorgchenani, Bendikt Uhl, Axel Gross, and R. Jürgen Behm
18:15 |
O 22.15 |
Triplet emitters for OLEDs investigated by STM and STS — •Anne Bakker, Wu Xu, Sebastian Wilde, Shiyu Zhu, Haiming Guo, Shixuan Du, Hong Ying Gao, Hongjun Gao, Cristian Strassert, and Harald Fuchs
18:15 |
O 22.16 |
Impact of a MoO3 front contact buffer layer on the electric and interface properties in organic bilayer solar cells — •Patrick Reiser, Michael Scherer, Sabina Hillebrandt, Robert Lovrincic, Wolfgang Kowalsky, Sebastian Beck, Annemarie Pucci, Eric Mankel, and Wolfram Jaegermann
18:15 |
O 22.17 |
The OTFT Awakens - Live in-situ organic thin film transistor (OTFT) measurements during growth — •Nils Norrman, Sebastian Mäder, Julia Rittich, and Matthias Wuttig