O 28: Organic-Inorganic Systems I: PTCDA
Dienstag, 8. März 2016, 10:30–13:00, S054
10:30 |
O 28.1 |
Unravelling the structural and electronic properties of organic/metal interfaces with photoemission tomography — •Peter Puschnig
11:00 |
O 28.2 |
Vibronic Modes in Molecular Orbital Imaging — •Achim Schöll, Martin Graus, Manuel Grimm, Christian Metzger, Matthias Dauth, Christian Tusche, Jürgen Kirschner, Stephan Kümmel, and Friedrich Reinert
11:15 |
O 28.3 |
Surface crystallography by LEED-IV of large organic adsorbates on Ag — •Ina Krieger, Georg Held, Christian Kumpf, and Moritz Sokolowski
11:30 |
O 28.4 |
Structure and thermal stability of organic heterostructures on Ag(111) — •Sebastian Thussing, Laura Fernandez, and Peter Jakob
11:45 |
O 28.5 |
Perlyene derivatives adsorbed on O-terminated ZnO. An X-ray standing wave study — •Antoni Franco-Cañellas, Jens Niederhausen, Alexander Hinderhofer, Tien-Lin Lee, Alexander Gerlach, Norbert Koch, and Frank Schreiber
12:00 |
O 28.6 |
Tracing structural and electronic changes in the first metal layer of metal-organic hybrid interfaces — •Johannes Seidel, Norman Haag, Lisa Grad, Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, Christian Tusche, Jürgen Kirschner, Christian Kumpf, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Mirko Cinchetti, and Martin Aeschlimann
12:15 |
O 28.7 |
Determination of the adsorption geometry of the PTCDA on the Cu(110) surface by NIXSW triangulation — •Simon Weiß, Ina Krieger, Timo Heepenstrick, Serguei Soubatch, and F. Stefan Tautz
12:30 |
O 28.8 |
Controlling the electronic properties of heteromolecular monolayers without affecting their structure through exchange of the phthalocyanine central metal atom — •Gerben van Straaten, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Markus Franke, and Christian Kumpf
12:45 |
O 28.9 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.