10:30 |
O 33.1 |
Directional Pt-Re nano-antennas for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of suspended ultraclean carbon nanotubes — •Christian Bäuml, Nicola Paradiso, Tobias Korn, Christian Schüller, and Christoph Strunk
10:45 |
O 33.2 |
Plasmonic Enhancement of Infrared Vibrational Signals: Nanoslits versus Nanorods — •Christian Huck, Jochen Vogt, Michael Sendner, Daniel Hengstler, Frank Neubrech, and Annemarie Pucci
11:00 |
O 33.3 |
Monocrystalline Gold Structures Applied for SEIRA Spectroscopy — •Jochen Vogt, Christian Huck, Bettina Frank, Xinghui Yin, Frank Neubrech, Harald Giessen, and Annemarie Pucci
11:15 |
O 33.4 |
Towards Resonant Plasmonic Antenna-Enhanced Terahertz Spectroscopy — •Ksenia Weber, Frank Neubrech, Mario Hentschel, Michael Scherer, and Harald Gießen
11:30 |
O 33.5 |
Investigating diffractive coupling of fs-laser induced standing gold antennas for surface enhanced IR spectroscopy — •Ruslan Röhrich, Tobias W. W. Mass, Martin Reininghaus, Reinhart Poprawe, and Thomas Taubner
11:45 |
O 33.6 |
Surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy for poly-peptide sensing on single nanostructures — •Rostyslav Semenyshyn, Frank Neubrech, Mario Hentschel, Xinghui Yin, Jochen Vogt, Felix Weiher, Christoph Stanglmair, Claudia Pacholski, and Harald Giessen
12:00 |
O 33.7 |
Ultrafast Vibrational Ladder Climbing on a Surface with 2D ATR IR Spectroscopy — •Jan Philip Kraack and Peter Hamm
12:15 |
O 33.8 |
Surface Phonon Polariton Localization in SiC Nano Pillars Probed by Second Harmonic Spectroscopy — •Alexander Paarmann, Ilya Razdolski, Joshua D. Caldwell, Alexander J. Giles, Sandy Gewinner, Wieland Schöllkopf, Stefan A. Maier, and Martin Wolf
12:30 |
O 33.9 |
Second Harmonic Phonon Spectroscopy of α-Quartz — •Christopher Winta, Sandy Gewinner, Wieland Schöllkopf, Martin Wolf, and Alexander Paarmann
12:45 |
O 33.10 |
Phonon control in a 2D phononic crystals — •Yuning Guo and Thomas Dekorsy
13:00 |
O 33.11 |
Large-Area Fabrication of TiN Nanoantenna Arrays for Refractory Plasmonics in the Mid-Infrared. — •Shahin Bagheri, Christine M. Zgrabik, Timo Gissibl, Andreas Tittl, Florian Sterl, Ramon Walter, Stefano De Zuani, Audrey Berrier, Thomas Stauden, Gunther Richter, Evelyn L. Hu, and Harald Giessen
13:15 |
O 33.12 |
Resonances from thermal waves using photothermal deflection microscopy — •André Heber, Markus Selmke, and Frank Cichos