10:30 |
O 34.1 |
Hydrogen-bonded bimolecular network on Au(111) — •Christian Steiner, Zechao Yang, Ute Meinhardt, Bettina Gliemann, Martin Gurrath, Bernd Meyer, Milan Kivala, and Sabine Maier
10:45 |
O 34.2 |
Self-assembling and chemistry of ferrocene dicarboxylic acid on different substrates — •Jan Berger, Olexandr Stetsovych, Krzysztof Kośmider, Martin Vondráček, Martin Švec, and Pavel Jelínek
11:00 |
O 34.3 |
On-surface synthesis of covalent organic nanostructures on metals and strategies for post synthetic decoupling — •Atena Rastgoo Lahrood, Jonas Björk, Matthias Lischka, Johanna Eichhorn, Wolfgang M. Heckl, and Markus Lackinger
11:15 |
O 34.4 |
On-surface synthesis of non-symmetric molecular nodes — •Christophe Nacci, Francisco Ample, Andreas Viertel, Stefan Hecht, Christian Joachim, and Leonhard Grill
11:30 |
O 34.5 |
Interplay of chemical and electronic structure on the single-molecule level in 2D polymerization — •Claudius Morchutt, Jonas Björk, Carola Strasser, Ulrich Starke, Rico Gutzler, and Klaus Kern
11:45 |
O 34.6 |
Templated bilayer self-assembly of fully conjugated π-expanded macrocyclic oligothiophenes complexed with fullerenes — •Jose D. Cojal Gonzalez, Masahiko Iyoda, and Jürgen P. Rabe
12:00 |
O 34.7 |
A comparative study of two perylene derivatives on Cu(111): insight into the bonding mechanism — •Mihaela Enache, Manfred Matena, Jonas Björk, Jorge Lobo-Checa, Thomas Jung, Mats Persson, and Lutz Gade
12:15 |
O 34.8 |
On-surface fabrication of acenes — •Justus Krüger, Niko Pavliček, Frank Eisenhut, José M. Alonso, Dolores Pérez, Enrique Guitián, Thomas Lehmann, Dmitry Ryndyk, André Gourdon, Gerhard Meyer, Leo Gross, Diego Peña, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, and Francesca Moresco