09:30 |
O 35.1 |
Sub-cycle quantum interference in solid-state high-harmonic generation — •Matthias Hohenleutner, Fabian Langer, Olaf Schubert, Matthias Knorr, Christoph Lange, Ulrich Huttner, Stephan W. Koch, Mackillo Kira, and Rupert Huber
09:45 |
O 35.2 |
Lattice dynamics of optically excited few-layer graphite — Christian Gerbig, Silvio Morgenstern, Marlene Adrian, Cristian Sarpe, •Arne Senftleben, and Thomas Baumert
10:00 |
O 35.3 |
Ultrafast carrier dynamics in bulk MoS2 studied by transient absorption spectroscopy — •Tim Völzer, Matthias Lütgens, Franziska Fennel, and Stefan Lochbrunner
10:15 |
O 35.4 |
Internal structure and ultrafast dynamics of excitons in monolayer WSe2 — •Christoph Pöllmann, Philipp Steinleitner, Ursula Leierseder, Philipp Nagler, Gerd Plechinger, Michael Porer, Rudolph Bratschitsch, Christian Schüller, Tobias Korn, and Rupert Huber
10:30 |
O 35.5 |
Auger Recombination and Charge Transfer of CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Quantum Dot/Quantum Rods — •Mona Rafipoor, Jan Niehaus, Holger Lange, and Horst Weller
10:45 |
O 35.6 |
The role of intervalley scattering and phonon softening in the ultrafast carrier dynamics of PbTe — Prashant Padmanabhan, Kestutis Budzinauskas, Kiran H. Prabhakara, and •Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht
11:00 |
O 35.7 |
Theory of the coherent A1g phonon decay in antimony — •Sergej Krylow, Eeuwe S. Zijlstra, and Martin E. Garcia
11:15 |
30 min. Coffee Break
11:45 |
O 35.8 |
Coherent Quantum Dynamics of Excitons in Atomically Thin Semiconductors — •xiaoqin li
12:15 |
O 35.9 |
Ultrafast Pump-Probe Analysis of Exciton-Polariton Propagation — Jan Lohrenz, Stephan Melzer, Claudia Ruppert, Ilya Akimov, •Matthias Reichelt, Alexander Trautmann, Torsten Meier, and Markus Betz
12:30 |
O 35.10 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of HL 37.2).
12:45 |
O 35.11 |
Nonlinear terahertz quantum control of Landau-quantized electrons — •Thomas Maag, Andreas Bayer, Sebastian Baierl, Matthias Hohenleutner, Tobias Korn, Christian Schüller, Dominique Bougeard, Christoph Lange, Rupert Huber, Martin Mootz, Stephan W. Koch, and Mackillo Kira
13:00 |
O 35.12 |
Ultrafast nonlinear response of GaAs under high pressures — •Johannes M. Braun, Jan F. Schmidt, Denis V. Seletskiy, Harald Schneider, Manfred Helm, and Alexej Pashkin