O 4: Surface Magnetism: Atoms and Molecules
Montag, 7. März 2016, 10:30–12:30, S052
10:30 |
O 4.1 |
Magnetic Hysteresis in Er trimers on Cu(111) — •Aparajita Singha, Fabio Donati, Christian Wäckerlin, Romana Baltic, Jan Dreiser, Marina Pivetta, Stefano Rusponi, and Harald Brune
10:45 |
O 4.2 |
Calibration of highly efficient FeO-based spin polarization detector — •Pika Gospodaric, Ewa Mlynczak, Markus Eschbach, Mathias Gehlmann, Sven Döring, Lukasz Plucinski, and Claus Michael Schneider
11:00 |
O 4.3 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of Au/Fe(001) bilayers epitaxially grown on MgO(001) — •Ewa Młyńczak, Pika Gospodarič, Markus Eschbach, Mathias Gehlmann, Sven Döring, Lukasz Plucinski, and Claus Michael Schneider
11:15 |
O 4.4 |
The fascinating versatility of wustite surfaces — •Silvia Gallego and Ivan D. Bernal-Villamil
11:30 |
O 4.5 |
Theory of Inelastic Electron Tunneling through an Adatom: Perturbation Expansion around the Atomic Limit — •Jindrich Kolorenc
11:45 |
O 4.6 |
Investigation of the superconducting gap of nano-sized Pb-islands in high magnetic fields — •Steffen Rolf-Pissarczyk, Jacob Burgess, Shichao Yan, and Sebastian Loth
12:00 |
O 4.7 |
Sensing Nanomagnets with an Atomically Assembled Quantum Spin Sensor — •Luigi Malavolti, Shichao Yan, Jacob Burgess, Steffen Rolf-Pissarczyk, and Sebastian Loth
12:15 |
O 4.8 |
X-ray magnetic dichroism of small, size-selected FeV clusters on Cu(100) — •Fridtjof Kielgast, Torben Beeck, Ivan Baev, Deniza Chekrygina, Michael Martins, and Wilfried Wurth