O 41: Frontiers of Electronic Structure Theory: Focus on Topology and Transport I
Dienstag, 8. März 2016, 14:00–16:00, H24
14:00 |
O 41.1 |
Topical Talk:
Topological semimetals and chiral transport in inversion asymmetric systems — •Shuichi Murakami
14:30 |
O 41.2 |
Topological orbital magnetic moments — •Manuel dos Santos Dias, Juba Bouaziz, Mohammed Bouhassoune, Stefan Blügel, and Samir Lounis
14:45 |
O 41.3 |
The orbital Rashba effect — •Dongwook Go, Patrick Buhl, Gustav Bihlmayer, Yuriy Mokrousov, Hyun-Woo Lee, and Stefan Blügel
15:00 |
O 41.4 |
Spin and orbital magnetism of Rashba electrons induced by magnetic nanostructures — •Juba Bouaziz, Manuel dos Santos Dias, Phivos Mavropoulos, Stefan Blügel, and Samir Lounis
15:15 |
O 41.5 |
First-principles investigation of the impact of single atomic defects on magnetic skyrmions — •Imara L. Fernandes, Benedikt Schweflinghaus, Juba Bouaziz, Stefan Blügel, and Samir Lounis
15:30 |
O 41.6 |
Topological magnons: Any chance to find them? — •Alexander Mook, Jürgen Henk, and Ingrid Mertig
15:45 |
O 41.7 |
Acoustic magnons in the long-wavelength limit: resolving the Goldstone violation in many-body perturbation theory — •Mathias C.T.D. Müller, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel