Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 46: 2D Materials beyond Graphene: TMDCs, Slicene and Relatives
O 46.2: Poster
Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 18:15–20:30, Poster E
Characterization of few layer MoS2 on Silicon Carbide with Raman Spectroscopy — •Lisa Seitz1, Adrian Schütze2, Gregor Nordheim2, Thomas Seyller2, and Martin Hundhausen1 — 1Lehrstuhl für Laserphysik, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg — 2Professur für Technische Physik, Technische Universität Chemnitz
MoS2 is a layered crystal with electronic properties that depend significantly on the number of layers. Here, we employ Raman spectroscopy for a mapping of layer number and homogeneity of few layer MoS2, synthesized by CVD on silicon carbide (SiC). The frequencies of the E2g1 and A1g phonon modes depend on the layer number, so that the difference between these frequencies can be used as an indicator of layer number. [1] Different samples were studied by a Raman mapping: One sample shows a domain structure of terraces covered with bi- and trilayer MoS2, coexisting with clean surface domains. Another sample shows a rather homogeneous coverage of MoS2 with a layer number of around four to five.
J. Jeon et al., Nanoscale 7, 1688 (2015).