18:15 |
O 49.1 |
On the microscopic structure of the Ag(441) surface — •Thorsten Wagner, Robert Zimmerleiter, Daniel Roman Fritz, and Peter Zeppenfeld
18:15 |
O 49.2 |
DFT-based survey of site dependent interaction of halogen atoms with the (001) surfaces of Cu, Ag, and Au — •Alexandra C. Dávila, Lukas Deuchler, Sönke Buttenschön, and Eckhard Pehlke
18:15 |
O 49.3 |
Diffusion properties of lithium studied using DFT: growth phenomena and the effect of an electric field — •Markus Jäckle and Axel Gross
18:15 |
O 49.4 |
Growth and potassium doping of ultrathin layers of picene on Ag(100) — •Martin Hafermann, Tobias Huempfner, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
18:15 |
O 49.5 |
Thin epitaxial films of tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene (DBP) on Ag(111) — •Tino Kirchhuebel, Marco Gruenewald, Falko Sojka, Satoshi Kera, Fabio Bussolotti, Takahiro Ueba, Nobuo Ueno, Gaël Rouillé, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
18:15 |
O 49.6 |
A Giant Molecular Spoked Wheel — •Stefan-Sven Jester, Robert May, and Sigurd Höger
18:15 |
O 49.7 |
Nanopatterning by rod-bridge-rod-shaped molecules — •Stefan-Sven Jester, Melissa Hündgen, Katharina Anna Weis, and Sigurd Höger
18:15 |
O 49.8 |
Structure and electronic properties of triazatruxene layers on Ag(111) studied by LT-STM — •Anja Bauer, Florian Singer, Philipp Erler, Markus Maier, Rainer Winter, Luca Gragnaniello, and Mikhail Fonin
18:15 |
O 49.9 |
Adsorbate nanomesh causes lateral segregation: Ab-initio based Monte–Carlo study for h-BN on Pt50Rh50(111) — •Wolfgang Heckel, Tobias C Kerscher, Roland Stania, Thomas Greber, and Stefan Müller
18:15 |
O 49.10 |
Vacuum Synthesis of Magnetic Aluminum Phthalocyanine on Au(111) — Chao Li and •Yongfeng Wang
18:15 |
O 49.11 |
A first-principles study of chemo-mechanical coupling for hydrogen on Ir(111) — •Anja Michl, Gregor Feldbauer, and Stefan Müller
18:15 |
O 49.12 |
High precision structuring of plan and cylindrical metal surfaces of for printing and packaging applications — •Lukas Bayer, Mario Gattner, Pierre Lorenz, Martin Ehrhardt, Klaus Zimmer, and Michael Mäser
18:15 |
O 49.13 |
Design and installation of a thermal hydrogen atom source — •Marie Schmitz, Dominique Krull, Christoph Keutner, Philipp Espeter, Ulf Berges, and Carsten Westphal