O 51: Organic-Inorganic Systems II: Energy Level Alignment
Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 10:30–13:00, S054
10:30 |
O 51.1 |
Energy level alignment mechanisms at hybrid inorganic/organic semiconductor interfaces — •Norbert Koch
11:00 |
O 51.2 |
Work Function Increase of GaN and the Influence of Surface Gap States — •Thorsten Schultz, Raphael Schlesinger, Jens Niederhausen, and Norbert Koch
11:15 |
O 51.3 |
Structure and stoichiometry prediction of zinc oxide surfaces — •Philipp Herrmann, Navid Abedi Khaledi, and Georg Heimel
11:30 |
O 51.4 |
Density-Matrix Derived van der Waals Interactions: Many-Body Dispersion goes Mesoscale — •Martin Stöhr, Georg Michelitsch, John Tully, Karsten Reuter, and Reinhard Maurer
11:45 |
O 51.5 |
Single molecules of Sexiphenyl on In2O3(111) — •Margareta Wagner, Michael Hollerer, Martin Sterrer, Michael Ramsey, Lynn A. Boatner, Michael Schmid, and Ulrike Diebold
12:00 |
O 51.6 |
Optical transition energies of isolated molecular monomers and weakly interacting 2D aggregates — •Roman Forker, Thomas Dienel, Andreas Krause, Marco Gruenewald, Matthias Meissner, Tino Kirchhuebel, Oliver Gröning, and Torsten Fritz
12:15 |
O 51.7 |
Photoemission study of thin films of the singlet fission compound 1,3-Diphenylisobenzofuran — •David Nobis, Janek Rieger, Daniel Niesner, Pedro B. Coto, Michael Thoss, and Thomas Fauster
12:30 |
O 51.8 |
Two-photon photoemission from tetraphenylporphyrins on Ag(100) — •Andrej Classen, Rebecca Pöschel, Gianluca Di Filippo, and Thomas Fauster
12:45 |
O 51.9 |
Work function tuning and electrostatic effects: embedded dipoles in aromatic self-assembled monolayers — Swen Schuster, Tarek Abu-Husein, David A. Egger, Iris Hehn, Martin Kind, Egbert Zojer, Andreas Terfort, and •Michael Zharnikov