10:30 |
O 54.1 |
Growth and electronic structure of epitaxial single-layer WS2 on Au(111) — •Maciej Dendzik, Matteo Michiardi, Charlotte Sanders, Marco Bianchi, Jill A. Miwa, Signe S. Grønborg, Jeppe V. Lauritsen, Albert Bruix, Bjørk Hammer, and Philip Hofmann
10:45 |
O 54.2 |
Synthesis of high quality TaS2 monolayer using molecular beam epitaxy — •Arlette S. Ngankeu, Charlotte E. Sanders, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, and Philip Hofmann
11:00 |
O 54.3 |
2D Heterojunctions from Non-local Manipulations of the Interactions — Malte Rösner, •Christina Steinke, Michael Lorke, Christopher Gies, Frank Jahnke, and Tim O. Wehling
11:15 |
O 54.4 |
TFT Fabrication Based on Liquid Exfoliated MoS2 Flakes — •Xiaoling Zeng, Sonia Metel, Valeria Nicolosi, and Veit Wagner
11:30 |
O 54.5 |
Novel Deposition Approach of Semiconducting MoS2 Thin Films and Their Application for Electronic Devices — •Francis Oliver Vinay Gomes, Marko Marinkovic, Jochen Brendt, Torsten Balster, and Veit Wagner
11:45 |
O 54.6 |
Growing graphene underneath hBN on Rh(111) — •Uta Schlickum, Daniel Rosenblatt, Sebastian Koslowski, and Klaus Kern
12:00 |
O 54.7 |
Prediction of metastable two-dimensional compounds in the C/Si system using global optimization techniques, and investigation of their electronic properties — •Johann Christian Schön and Rico Gutzler
12:15 |
O 54.8 |
Tuning the physical properties of MoS2 membranes by organophosphonate interfacial chemistry — •Susanne Schwarzwälder, Réka Csiki, Eric Parzinger, Jeffrey Schwartz, Alexander Holleitner, Martin Stutzmann, Ursula Wurstbauer, and Anna Cattani-Scholz
12:30 |
O 54.9 |
Structural analysis of one monolayer of hBN on Cu(111) via NIXSW and SPA-LEED — •Timo Heepenstrick, Christine Brülke, Ina Krieger, Sergey Subach, Simon Weiß, Niklas Humberg, and Moritz Sokolowski
12:45 |
O 54.10 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.