09:30 |
O 57.1 |
Probing bandgap renormalization, excitonic effects, and interlayer coupling in 2D transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors — •Miguel M. Ugeda, Aaron Bradley, Sufei Shi, Felipe H. Jornada, Yi Zhang, Diana Qiu, Wei Ruan, Sebastian Wickenburg, Alexander Riss, Jiong Lu, Sung-Kwan Mo, Zahid Hussain, Zhi-Xun Shen, Feng Wang, Steven G. Louie, and Michael F. Crommie
10:00 |
O 57.2 |
A Tight Binding Approach to Strain and Curvature in Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides — •Alexander Pearce and Guido Burkard
10:15 |
O 57.3 |
Observation of charge density wave order in 1D mirror twin boundaries of single-layer MoSe2 — •Sara Barja, Sebastian Wickenburg, Zhen-Fei Liu, Yi Zhang, Hyejin Ryu, Miguel M. Ugeda, Zahid Hussain, Zhi-Xun Shen, Sung-Kwan Mo, Miquel B. Salmeron, Feng Wang, Michael F. Crommie, D. Frank Ogletree, Jeffrey B. Neaton, and Alexander Weber-Bargioni
10:30 |
O 57.4 |
Probing the anisotropic interlayer Raman modes of few-layer ReS2 — •Philipp Nagler, Gerd Plechinger, Christian Schüller, and Tobias Korn
10:45 |
30 min. Coffee Break
11:15 |
O 57.5 |
Enhanced light-matter coupling and single-photon emission of atomically thin semiconductors — •Rudolf Bratschitsch
11:45 |
O 57.6 |
Optical Properties and Carrier Dynamics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides — •Alexander Steinhoff-List, Malte Rösner, Matthias Florian, Michael Lorke, Christopher Gies, Ji-Hee Kim, Deok-Soo Kim, Chanwoo Lee, Gang Hee Han, Mun Seok Jeong, Tim Wehling, and Frank Jahnke
12:15 |
O 57.7 |
Microscopic modeling of the homogeneous linewidth in absorption spectra of TMDs — •Malte Selig, Gunnar Berghäuser, Ermin Malic, and Andreas Knorr
12:30 |
O 57.8 |
Influence of the spin-orbit splitting on the coupled spin-valley-dynamics in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides — •Gerd Plechinger, Philipp Nagler, Sven Gelfert, Christian Schüller, and Tobias Korn
12:45 |
O 57.9 |
Ultrafast Coulomb-induced intervalley coupling in atomically thin WS2 — Robert Schmidt, •Gunnar Berghäuser, Malte Selig, Philipp Tonndorf, Ermin Malic, Andreas Knorr, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, and Rudolf Bratschitsch