Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 59: Photonics and Nanooptics III: Fabrication and Characterization
O 59.5: Talk
Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 16:00–16:15, S051
Helium-Ion Milling of Gold Nanoantennas: Toward Plasmonics with Nanometer Precision — •André Beyer1, Henning Vieker1, Heiko Kollmann2, Xianji Piao3, Namkyoo Park3, Martin Silies2, Christoph Lienau2, and Armin Gölzhäuser1 — 1Physics of Supramolecular Systems and Surfaces, Bielefeld University, 33615 Bielefeld — 2Institute of Physics and Center of Interface Science, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 26129 Oldenburg — 3Photonic Systems Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, 151-742 Seoul, Korea
Plasmonic nanoantennas are versatile tools for coherently controlling and directing light on the nanoscale. For these antennas, current fabrication techniques such as electron beam lithography (EBL) or focused ion beam (FIB) milling with Ga+-ions routinely achieve feature sizes in the 10 nm range. However, they suffer increasingly from inherent limitations when a precision of single nanometers down to atomic length scales is required, where exciting quantum mechanical effects are expected to affect the nanoantenna optics. Here, we demonstrate that a combined approach of Ga+-FIB and milling-based He+-ion lithography (HIL) for the fabrication of nanoantennas offers to readily overcome some of these limitations. Gold bowtie antennas with 6 nm gap size were fabricated with single-nanometer accuracy and high reproducibility. Using third harmonic (TH) spectroscopy, we find a substantial enhancement of the nonlinear emission intensity of single HIL-antennas compared to those produced by state-of-the-art gallium-based milling.