15:00 |
O 64.1 |
Ab initio wave-function-based methods for highly accurate description of adsorption — •Denis Usvyat
15:15 |
O 64.2 |
Effects of Flexibility and Entropy on the Adsorption and Growth of Functional Molecules — •David Gao, Julian Gaberle, Matthew Watkins, Filippo Federici Canova, Christian Loppacher, Laurent Nony, Ania Amrous, Franck Bocquet, Franck Para, and Alexander Shluger
15:30 |
O 64.3 |
Copper deposition on stoichiometric and reduced ceria films — •Boris Groß and Niklas Nilius
15:45 |
O 64.4 |
Exploring Pd adsorption, diffusion, permeation, and nucleation on bilayer SiO2/Ru as a function of hydroxylation and precursor environment; from UHV to catalyst preparation — Sascha Pomp, William Kaden, •Martin Sterrer, and Hans-Joachim Freund
16:00 |
O 64.5 |
Single Rh adatoms at the Fe3O4(001) surface and their interaction with gas molecules — •Roland Bliem, Adam Zavodny, Michael Schmid, Peter Blaha, Ulrike Diebold, and Gareth Steven Parkinson
16:15 |
O 64.6 |
N2O to N2 conversion on reduced ceria surface: NEXAFS and IRRAS studies — •Alexei Nefedov, Chengwu Yang, and Christof Wöll
16:30 |
O 64.7 |
CO2 and Water Adsorption on the Fe3O4(001) Surface — •Jiri Pavelec, Jan Hulva, Roland Bliem, Oscar Gamba, Daniel Halwidl, Martin Setvin, Michael Schmid, Ulrike Diebold, and Gareth Parkinson
16:45 |
O 64.8 |
On-surface generation and imaging of reactive intermediates by atomic force microscopy — •Niko Pavliček, Bruno Schuler, Sara Collazos, Nikolaj Moll, Dolores Pérez, Enrique Guitián, Gerhard Meyer, Diego Peña, and Leo Gross
17:00 |
O 64.9 |
CO adsorption on small Aun (n = 1–4) structures supported on magnetite (111) surface — •Tomasz Pabisiak, Maciej J. Winiarski, and Adam Kiejna
17:15 |
O 64.10 |
The interaction of Li with thin layers of the ionic liquid [BMP][TFSA] adsorbed on rutile TiO2(110) and their thermal stability — •Benedikt Uhl, Maral Hekmatfar, Florian Buchner, and R. Jürgen Behm