10:30 |
O 7.1 |
The electronic structure of graphene superlattices revisited — •Pilkwang Kim and Cheol-Hwan Park
10:45 |
O 7.2 |
Confinement effects in quasiparticle interference on epitaxial graphene nanoflakes — •Julia Tesch, Philipp Leicht, Felix Blumenschein, Tomas Löfwander, Luca Gragnaniello, and Mikhail Fonin
11:00 |
O 7.3 |
Electron interference in ballistic graphene nanoconstrictions — •Johannes Aprojanz, Jens Baringhaus, Mikkel Settnes, Stephen Power, Anti-Pekka Jauho, and Christoph Tegenkamp
11:15 |
O 7.4 |
Graphene on Ru(0001) as a playground for the studies of the graphene-metal interaction — Elena Voloshina, Nikolai Berdunov, and •Yuriy Dedkov
11:30 |
O 7.5 |
Direct view on non-equilibrium carriers in graphene with time-resolved ARPES — •Isabella Gierz
12:00 |
O 7.6 |
Electronic properties of ytterbium interaction with graphene on Ir(111) — Hendrik Vita, •Stefan Böttcher, and Karsten Horn
12:15 |
O 7.7 |
Plasma-assisted CVD graphene synthesis and characterization on nickel substrates — •Patricia Pop-Ghe, Lisa Krückemeier, Nicolas Wöhrl, and Volker Buck
12:30 |
O 7.8 |
Determination of the optical constants of graphene at the carbon K-edge by transmission spectroscopy — •Christine Jansing, Hans-Christoph Mertins, Andreas Gaupp, Andrey Sokolov, Markus Gilbert, Andreas Schümmer, Hud Wahab, Heiko Timmers, Suk-Ho Choi, and Dominik Legut
12:45 |
O 7.9 |
Origins of contact resistance in graphene-metal edge-contacts — •Bernhard Kretz, Christian Søndergaard Pedersen, Daniele Stradi, Aran Garcia-Lekue, and Mads Brandbyge
13:00 |
O 7.10 |
Magnetically confined quantum dots in graphene revealed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy — •Nils Freitag, Peter Nemes-Incze, Larisa Chizova, Colin R. Woods, Roman V. Gorbachev, Yang Cao, Andre K. Geim, Kostya S. Novoselov, Florian Libisch, and Markus Morgenstern
13:15 |
O 7.11 |
Controling intramolecular Hydrogen-transfer by Gate-tunable STM — •Shai Mangel, Christian Dette, Katharina Polyudov, Paul Punke, Roberto Urcuyo, Marko Burghard, Soon Jung Jung, and Klaus Kern