18:15 |
O 71.1 |
A 30mK dilution fridge UHV SP-STM (9/4T) housed in the new SPIN Laboratory — •Andreas Eich, Henning von Allwörden, Jan Hermenau, Andreas Sonntag, Jan Gerritsen, Daniel Wegner, and Alexander Khajetoorians
18:15 |
O 71.2 |
Design of a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope with photon collection system — •Moritz Winkler, Lukas Gerhard, Kevin Edelmann, and Wulf Wulfhekel
18:15 |
O 71.3 |
Validation and automatization of controlled molecular manipulation techniques on an STM — •Aizhan Sabitova, Philipp Leinen, Matthew F.B. Green, Taner Esat, F. Stefan Tautz, Christian Wagner, and Ruslan Temirov
18:15 |
O 71.4 |
Fast electronic pump-probe spectroscopy using shaped sub-nanosecond pulses — •Gregory McMurtrie, Jacob Burgess, Steffen Rolf-Pissarczyk, and Sebastian Loth
18:15 |
O 71.5 |
Combining Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and pulsed optical excitation — •Judith von der Haar, Philipp Kloth, Terence Thias, Ole Bunjes, and Martin Wenderoth
18:15 |
O 71.6 |
New Directions in Tip-Enhanced Near-Field Optical Microscopy — •Julia Janik, Nina Mauser, and Achim Hartschuh
18:15 |
O 71.7 |
AFM for TERS: Development of probe heads for Tip-Enhanced-Raman-Spectroscopy — •Jalmar Tschakert, Thomas Göddenhenrich, André Schirmeisen, Marcel Weinhold, Thomas Sander, and Peter J. Klar
18:15 |
O 71.8 |
Hexaboride preparation techniques for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy studies — •Philipp Buchsteiner, Geetha Balakrishnan, David P. Young, and Martin Wenderoth
18:15 |
O 71.9 |
Solution AFM Studies of Molecule Crystals: Exploiting Photon Pressure — •Sven Kraft, Heinrich Behle, Kai Wardelmann, Mohammadreza Bahrami, Björn Vogler, Mirjam Samelin, Semjon Köhnke, Boris Hage, Ingo Barke, and Sylvia Speller
18:15 |
O 71.10 |
A Superconducting Tunneling Junction (STJ) Detector for Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy at 50mK — •Ivan Baev, Jan-Hendrik Rüscher, Jens Viefhaus, Michael Martins, and Wilfried Wurth
18:15 |
O 71.11 |
Construction of a movable UHV chamber for in situ sample preparation of molecules on TiO2 — •Steffen Bornemann, Bernhard Spicher, and Martin Wenderoth
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O 71.12 |
Following ultra thin film growth by in-situ High Energy X-ray Diffraction — •Florian Bertram, Olof Gutowski, and Uta Ruett
18:15 |
O 71.13 |
Reprocessing with radial shock waves — Philipp Weil, •Robert Ossig, Hans-Günter Hloch, and Jürgen Bohnen
18:15 |
O 71.14 |
Laser desorption of chiral molecules — •Farinaz Mortaheb, Joern Lepelmeier, Kerstin Wachinger, Aras Kartouzian, Ulrich Boesl, and Ulrich Heiz
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O 71.15 |
Identification of nanoscale phases using Low Energy Electron Microscopy. — •Martin Hoppe, Jan Höcker, Jens Falta, and Jan Ingo Flege
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O 71.16 |
Reliability of LEED analyses for complex systems — •Lutz Hammer, Pascal Ferstl, and M.Alexander Schneider
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O 71.17 |
Source Development for Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy — •Nora Bach, Armin Feist, Reiner Bormann, Sascha Schäfer, and Claus Ropers
18:15 |
O 71.18 |
VUV photon detection with acetone counters for inverse photoemission — •Christian Thiede, Iris Niehues, Anke B. Schmidt, and Markus Donath
18:15 |
O 71.19 |
MOKE UHV-Setup — •Vivienne Bippus, Christian Klump, Sani Noor, Christian Urban, and Ulrich Köhler