O 74: Ultrafast Electron and Spin Dynamics at Interfaces
Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 18:15–20:30, Poster A
18:15 |
O 74.1 |
Electron dynamics at an azobenzene-functionalized metal surface — Wibke Bronsch, Larissa Boie, •Cornelius Gahl, and Martin Weinelt
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O 74.2 |
Exciton Dynamics in Thin Sexithiophene Films on Au(111) — Wibke Bronsch, •Sebastian Baum, Malte Wansleben, Kristof Zielke, Cornelius Gahl, and Martin Weinelt
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O 74.3 |
High harmonic generation at 500 kHz: an XUV light source for solid state spectroscopy — •Johannes Feldl, Michele Puppin, Yunpei Deng, Martin Wolf, and Ralph Ernstorfer
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O 74.4 |
Resonant excitation and circular dichroism of the second Dirac cone of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 — •Sophia Ketterl, Sebastian Otto, Martin Bastian, Cornelius Gahl, Thomas Fauster, and Martin Weinelt
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O 74.5 |
Investigation of charge dynamics by optical Pump-Probe Scanning Tunneling Microscopy — •Terence Thias, Philipp Kloth, Katharina Kaiser, and Martin Wenderoth
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O 74.6 |
A setup for time-resolved SHG microscopy of 2D heterostructures — •Jonas Zimmermann, Gerson Mette, and Ulrich Höfer
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O 74.7 |
Mutual influence of relaxation processes in laser-irradiated metals — •Kai Klein, Sebastian Weber, and Baerbel Rethfeld