09:30 |
O 83.1 |
Silicon p-n junctions prepared by group-V in-diffusion in CVD ambient — •Agnieszka Paszuk, Oliver Supplie, Marek Duda, Anja Dobrich, Peter Kleinschmidt, Sebastian Brückner, and Thomas Hannappel
09:45 |
O 83.2 |
Interfacial Doping of a MoS2 Monolayer in a 2D Heterostructure — •Mahfujur Rahaman, Gerd Plechinger, Raul D. Rodriguez, Christian Schüller, Tobias Korn, and Dietrich R.T. Zahn
10:00 |
O 83.3 |
Epitaxial growth and conductivity mechanisms of [LaNiO3/LaAlO3]10 superlattices — •Haoming Wei, Michael Lorenz, and Marius Grundmann
10:15 |
O 83.4 |
How can band offsets in III-V nanowires be determined correctly by scanning tunneling spectroscopy? — •Philipp Ebert, Pierre Capiod, Tau Xu, Adrian Díaz Álvarez, Xiang-Lei Han, David Troadec, Jean-Philippe Nys, Maxime Berthe, Liverios Lymperakis, Jörg Neugebauer, Isabelle Lefebvre, Sébastien Plissard, Philippe Caroff, Rafal Dunin-Borkowski, and Bruno Grandidier
10:30 |
O 83.5 |
The contribution has been moved to HL 90.43.
10:45 |
30 min. Coffee Break
11:15 |
O 83.6 |
Ultrafast multi-terahertz nanoscopy of strained vanadium dioxide nanobeams — •Markus A. Huber, Markus Plankl, Max Eisele, Robert E. Marvel, Fabian Sandner, Tobias Korn, Christian Schüller, Richard F. Haglund, Rupert Huber, and Tyler L. Cocker
11:30 |
O 83.7 |
Structural and optical characterization of hybrid ZnO/polymer nanostructures fabricated by spin coating — •Stephanie Bley, Alejandra Castro-Carranza, Linus Krieg, Tobias Voss, and Jürgen Gutowski
11:45 |
O 83.8 |
Photoelectrochemical investigation of TiO2-coated InGaN/GaN nanowires under visible light irradiation — •Paula Neuderth, Adina Frank, Pascal Hille, Christian Reitz, Jörg Teubert, Jörg Schörmann, Roland Marschall, and Martin Eickhoff
12:00 |
O 83.9 |
Disorder and Interface Properties in III-N-V-quantum wells — •Sebastian Gies, Sarah Karrenberg, Tatjana Wegele, Phillip Springer, Christian Fuchs, Andreas Beyer, Martin Zimprich, Wolfgang Stolz, Kerstin Volz, Stephan W. Koch, and Wolfram Heimbrodt
12:15 |
O 83.10 |
Hybrid structures of semi-metals, excitonic insulators and superconductors — •Dario Bercioux and Sebastian Bergeret
12:30 |
O 83.11 |
A functional renormalization group approach for treating interactions in disordered electron systems — •Christian Seiler and Ferdinand Evers
12:45 |
O 83.12 |
Ab initio Anderson localisation in Si:P — •Edoardo G. Carnio, Nicholas D. M. Hine, David Quigley, and Rudolf A. Römer
13:00 |
O 83.13 |
General DFT+NEGF approach for modeling metal-semiconductor interfaces — •daniele stradi, umberto martinez pozzoni, anders blom, mads brandbyge, and kurt stokbro